A few words about the declaration of value of the consignment

Provided for in law and international conventions transport transport calculation of damages, and limits to the amount in many cases can have serious adverse consequences for the victim. For this reason, we look at the value of the shipment declarations institutions that improve the legal situation of the contractor of the carrier.

In the previous entry Fri. „How is the compensation for road transport"Are often presented as a formal means of determining the compensation payable by the carrier, at times can lead to a situation, the damage suffered by the injured person be compensated only slightly. Given the absolute nature of the transport law and the consequent lack of other rules regulating contractual liability of the carrier, for many types of mail transport them to the general rules would involve too high risk. Thus, the national legislature and the convention governing the international transport of individual modes of transport have introduced solutions to better protect the person who ordered the carriage.

Transport Law

Polish transport law in art. 40 paragraph. 1 provides, that the sender can declare the value of goods carried in the consignment, provided that this value is not apparent from the account either the seller or supplier of the price for. If there is a bill or declaration of value of the price list of things does not produce any legal effect. Unfortunately, as with the determination of damages based on the art. 80 paragraph. 1 pr. wire. no clear answer in the doctrine, whether it is solely for the bill attached to the consignment, whose content is known carrier, or can refer to a bill passed to the buyer in any other way.

Declaration of the sender's entitlement, not the obligation, hence it does not have the right to have the sender. The carrier may also oppose the execution of this statement in the text of the bill of lading or claim on this account additional compensation, However, there is the possibility of making the relevant reservations, if you do not agree with the value declared by the sender, which in turn may lead to the explore the value of things by a property at the request of the sender.

It should be emphasized, that the declaration must be found in the body of the bill of lading. For if even the value of the goods will be included in the contract of carriage, but will not be entered in the consignment note, this declaration will be ineffective, although it may be subsequently used by the victim as one of the proofs necessary to establish the real value of shipments (Still, the victim will have to prove its value).

Effective declaration has significant consequences - in the result is a presumption, that the value of goods carried is consistent with the declaration. It should be remembered, that this presumption may be rebutted by the carrier using all available evidence. Hence, they are wrong sometimes emerging views, declaring that the value of the shipment allows for consideration of the particular value of the consignment to the person. Compensation still may exceed the normal value of the consignment, a demonstration by the carrier, in fact, that the shipment is worth less than the declared, will lead to the rejection of claims of the victim in this regard.

On this occasion it is worth mentioning, that in some cases, the declaration of value of the consignment will be not only a means to improve the situation of the sender, but actually will form the basis of any liability of the carrier for damage in shipment. According to the art. 788 § 3 k.c. carrier is not liable for loss, loss of or damage to money, jewelry, securities or things particularly valuable, if the characteristics of the consignment were not known to him at the conclusion of the contract, unless the damage resulted from willful misconduct or gross negligence of the carrier. The sender of the carriage in / on things they should so indicate at least an estimate of the carrier, although in this situation may occur in any form, and not only in the content of the consignment note.

CMR Convention

A different matter is the declaration of the value of the goods in transportation subject to the CMR Convention. In contrast to the transport law in the Convention, the main problem is not affected formalism quantification of damages but limit the amount of at 8,33 SDR per kilogram of gross weight. Art. 24 Convention however, allows the sender to declare in the consignment fee for the agreed value of goods exceeding the limit cited above.

To be effective, the declaration must be met two fundamental conditions. First, it must be included in the bill of lading - as in the case of traffic rights beyond the letter of the declaration shall not take effect. Secondly - unlike the transport law – placing the declaration by the sender has to be agreed with the carrier, a carrier of this title entitled to extra compensation.

This second requirement is justified by the fact, that the declaration of the value of the CMR Convention produces much further reaching consequences than the transport law, in which the carrier may always prove, that the value of the shipment, however, is lower than the declared. The Convention declaration replaces the compensation limit, often in a very large extent increases the risk of the carrier.

When it should be emphasized, unless a lack of consent of the carrier to put the declaration on the consignment will result in the invalidity, so far no additional compensation arrangements, or its collection by the carrier have such negative effects will not lead.

Unlike transport law declaration of value in the Convention does not create a presumption, that the value of the shipment is in accordance with the Declaration of. The victim still has to prove, what is the actual amount of damages, and the amount contained in the declaration represents only the upper limit of liability of carrier.


In a very similar way to a declaration of value of the consignment is covered in Annex B to COTIF agreement governing the international carriage of goods by rail (CIM). According to art. 34 CIM placement of such a declaration on the consignment requires the consent of the carrier, but no mention is here already pay an additional. But the effects are basically the same, because usually in return for agreement to the carrier declaration requests a surcharge.

As in the CMR Convention replaces the declared amount of compensation limit provided for in the CIM (17 SDR Sat 1 wagi kg gross) and does not create a presumption of the value of the consignment, leaving to the victim's burden of showing its true value.

Air Conventions

Even more far-reaching consequences of the declaration of the causes of air in the conventions (called here the declaration of special interest in delivery) provided for in art. 22 paragraph. 2 a point of the Warsaw Convention i art. 22 paragraph. 3 Montreal Convention. This is because it combines the effects of the declaration provided for in the law of lading and CMR or CIM. On the one hand, the declaration removes limits on compensation (250 francs per 1 kg gross weight of the Warsaw Convention and 17 SDR Sat 1 kg gross weight in the Montreal Convention), the other establishes a presumption, interest in supplying that actually was in line with the amount insured and the carrier must prove, that the interest was less.

In addition, art. 25 Montreal Convention provides for an agreement between the carrier and shipper abolishing all limits of compensation.

Concluding Remarks

The regulations indicate, packages that broadcasters have the instruments, that reduce the risks associated with transport. Practice shows, however,, that very often they are used, although their use is not associated with specific difficulties.

If, however, some readers will find out the methods described above, should keep in mind another aspect of such declarations. The vast majority of insurance companies providing liability insurance carrier (OCP) as a rule, insurance does not cover damage above the limits specified in the applicable regulation. Declaring the value of the shipment must also be ensured, by the carrier consignment doubezpieczył – otherwise it will be full compensation can be claimed only from the assets of the carrier.

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11 Responses to A few words about the declaration of value of the consignment

  1. beaters says:

    Since few carriers providing transportation services in international traffic without insurance OCPD, I'm interested in the effects in this case raises the value declaration in accordance with Article. 24 CMR. Is such a declaration is binding on the insurance company in determining the value of compensation or insurance companies shall limit 8.33 SDR / kg and the rest covers the carrier?

  2. Paweł Judek Paweł Judek says:

    It all depends on the content of the policy. Most insurance companies have a clear record of their T & Cs, not responsible for damage beyond the limit 8,33 per kg or that acceptance of responsibility within the declared value of goods requires the consent of the insurance and pay additional premium.

  3. beaters says:

    Unfortunately, most insurance companies do not even mention this limit. But actually there is a record to exclude liability for damages arising from the adoption of additional responsibilities for the value of the goods under article 24.

    What then can the hypothetical situation where such. server owner value and a weight of 100kg 10.000EUR ordered to organize the transport to the shipping company. This instructs the transport of cargo to the carrier having a policy with a sum insured 50.000EUR. During the transport of cargo is completely destroyed, So the insurance company pays compensation in the amount of SDR 100 kg * 8.33 * 1.1727 (rate SDR / EUR) = 977EUR. Who, then, will cover the missing 9023EUR? The owner of cargo (Cargo insurance is not purchased), remover (contracted transportation carrier without proper insurance) finally, the carrier, which destroyed the load of guilt?

  4. Paweł Judek Paweł Judek says:

    At first glance it looks like, that the costs charged to the owner of the cargo. However, much would depend on the, was formulated as a shipping contract, or shipper knew, what is the value of the cargo, etc.. With adequate records would be possible to refer claims to the shipper. Claims to the carrier – unless it is demonstrated gross negligence or willful misconduct, which caused damage – would have no chance of success (I assume, that the consignment is not declared value of the consignment). But if such a declaration would be in a bill of lading, costs charged to the carrier. You can also try to claim against the freight forwarder, based on the assumption, he should be possible to obtain full payment from the insurance carrier, but it also depends on the provisions in the contract, and without appropriate records of the issue could be resolved in different ways.

  5. bari says:

    Hello, mam pytanie odnośnie skuteczności zadeklarowanej wartości przesyłki.
    Dostaję zlecenie od firmy logistycznej, gdzie mam zapis: 3000kg, wartość towaru 40tyś. euro, fracht 500euro all in. U załadowcy (klient firmy logistycznej) w liście przewozowym mam zapis w polu nr. 13 wartość podejmowanego towaru 40tyś. euro. Różnica między wartością przesyłki, a moją odpowiedzialnością z konwencji to około 10tyś. euro więcej.
    Nie dostaję dodatkowej zapłaty jest tylko wpis: fracht 500eur. all in. Czy taki zapis w zleceniu i wpis do listu powyżej jest skuteczny ?

  6. Paweł Judek Paweł Judek says:

    @ bari

    Różnie jest to interpretowane. Część komentatorów uważa, że ten zapis ma zapobiegać sytuacji, gdy zapis się pojawi tylko w liście przewozowym bez uzgodnienia z przewoźnikiem, a wymóg dodatkowego wynagrodzenia temu zapobiega, gdyż wówczas deklaracja jest uzgodniona przez strony. Others consider, że musi być wyodrębniona część na to wynagrodzenie. Polskie sądy się tym jeszcze nie zajmowały, więc trudno powiedzieć, które stanowisko by poparły w przypadku sporu na tym tle.

  7. Thomas says:

    We wpisie napisano, że w sytuacji zawarcia deklaracji wartości przesyłki przewoźnik nie może żądać z tego tytułu dodatkowego wynagrodzenia.

    “The carrier may also oppose the execution of this statement in the text of the bill of lading or claim on this account additional compensation, However, there is the possibility of making the relevant reservations, if you do not agree with the value declared by the sender, co z kolei może prowadzić do zbadania wartości rzeczy przez rzeczoznawcę na wniosek nadawcy.”

    Natomiast w Komentarzu do prawa przewozowego autorstwa D. Ambrożuk, D. Dąbrowskiego i K. Wesołowskiego napisano, that: “Przewoźnik może zażądać od nadawcy dodatkowej opłaty za deklarację wartości przesyłki.” (Dorota Ambrożuk, Dąbrowski Daniel, Krzysztof Wesolowski, Transport Law. Komentarz Lex 2014).

    To można, czy nie można żądać dodatkowego wynagrodzenia?

  8. Paweł Judek Paweł Judek says:

    @ Thomas

    W mojej ocenie brak jest podstaw prawnych do domagania się dodatkowego wynagrodzenia, chyba że wynika to z taryfy przewoźnika. Inaczej jest w Konwencji CMR, gdzie takie dodatkowe wynagrodzenie wprost zostało przewidziane.

  9. Rafał says:

    Good morning,

    a co z możliwością ograniczenia odpowiedzialności przewoźnika do symbolicznej kwoty, w przypadku braku deklaracji wartości? Czy nie jest tak, że przepis art. 80 paragraph. 1 PP jest bezwzględnie obowiązujący i taki zapis w regulaminie przewoźnika jest nieskuteczny?

    Though, że znalazłem wypowiedzi doktryny potwierdzające powyższą tezę, nigdzie nie odnalazłem orzeczeń sądowych w tym zakresie.

  10. Paweł Judek Paweł Judek says:

    @ Rafał

    Nie ma możliwości ograniczenia odpowiedzialności przewoźnika w przypadku braku deklaracji. Przewoźnik odpowiada za całą szkodę zgodnie z art. 80 paragraph. 1 pr. wire. Można jednak wprowadzić w regulaminie postanowienie, że nadawca nie może przekazywać do przewozu przesyłek o wartości przekraczającej określoną kwotę. W takim wypadku nie ma ograniczenia odpowiedzialności w świetle prawa przewozowego, ale można powołać się na wyłączenie z art. 788 by. 3 k.c. lub na przyczynienie się do powstania szkody, względnie przedstawić do potrącenia własne roszczenie odszkodowawcze z tytułu naruszenia przez nadawcę umowy przewozu zakazującej przewozu takich przesyłek.

  11. Edd says:

    The customer, knowing the OCP value of the carrier, orders international transport in loading, where only his goods exceed and this significantly the value of the OCP amount about which the carrier is not informed, robbery and loss occur 100% goods, the payer demands the full amount from the carrier. The carrier knowing the true value would never undertake the order. What to do in this case being a carrier?

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